Sunday, November 12, 2006

Quarry Road

Today Total: 17k
Week Total: 42k
Month Total: 80k
Year Total: 1563k

Feeling very much like a GNW wannabe I set off along Quarry Road this morning. The intention was to do 2 full laps so I had the camelbak loaded to the gunnels so I wouldn't have to make any stops.

Right from the start I felt out of sorts - I think this was partly due to my legs not having yet quite recovered from Fridays session; partly because I slowly broiled all day yesterday doing yard chores and am probably a bit dehydrated; partly because I didn't get to bed till 1:00am then had a patchy 4 hours sleep; but mostly I suspect it was because last nights cayenne pepper sauce may have been a good idea at the time but...... I had the gripe big time just a few minutes into the run. And of course - it might just have been one of those days! Bah!

When I did a PW split of 52 mins to the Dural end I knew 2 laps was out of the question and just concentrated on struggling back to the start where I dumped the Camelbak and picked up a hand bottle instead (BTW if anyone is looking for Nathan hand bottles Sport Scene in Bathurst - of all places - sells them for about $20) and did a return trip to the bridge.

I think runs like today are good for mental prep as much as anything - I realllllllllllly didn't want to drop down to the bridge again - but I did - don't get me wrong this isn't a macho "no pain no gain" type of thing this is an "ok 2P the challenge is to nurse yourself through the next 4k - you can do this" kind of thing. I think the confidence this type of training instills is what gets me through the longer stuff. There..... now I've told you lot my sekrit I may have to kill you all :-)

Anyhoo karma rewarded me big time - when I got to the bridge and peered over the edge I saw a school (family) of the 6 biggest fresh water fish I have ever seen just lollong around. Not being particularly piscatorially inclined I haven't a clue what they were - but they appeared blue/grey with a light dirty amber along their spine about 18 inches long (at least) and they were big beefy buggers - I reckon 3 to 4kg worth. They were easy to watch in the crystal clear water and I was mesmerised for a few minutes before I started the 2k haul back to the car.

Feeling much brighter now with a coffee in me, but geez I have some work to do before March ;-)


Ellie80 said...

nice run mate - you have loads of time until march!! sounds like a gorgeous run ...yes i think i might be jealous :)

(ps - i didn't get burnt under my bra - at the time i got burnt i was wearing a low cut dress and no bra - obviously...)

Ewen said...

Well, not loads of time... only 117 days, 22 hours, 31 minutes and 53 seconds.

A good reality check of a run 2P. I know you weren't fishing for sympathy.

Jen said...

One for the memory bank eh? ;-)

Spark Driver said...

The things you see when you haven't got a fishing rod!

Tesso said...

Tuggeranong Don sees giraffes. You see gigantic fish. I see dead people.

Gronk said...

Lets just hope that they were natives rather than some introduced carp or something.

Yibbida, Yibbida. That's all folks !

TA and the Gnome said...

Hey, I love that "not macho, just be able to nurse yourself through" concept. Not one that had occurred to me before, but one that I think I'll use in the future. As always, 2P is the font of all wisdom :-)


blues buffett said...

Good run, mate. 17k in the bank and plenty to look forward to. The CC half beckons...

Dave said...

Well done 2p, hard sessions with "optional" extras like this are like money in the bank earning interest for that special day in March.

Thanks heaps for the comments on my GNW experience, I really appreciate your thoughts.

Superflake said...

Good run in the heat today. I reckon take a hand line with you much easier to carry.

Samurai Running said...

Hey 2P

Seeing those fish is certainly good Karma. A reward for not "scaling" back your run too much.

I hate to carp I mean harp on it, but get some bloody sleep!

Anonymous said...

Great work 2P, every time I come to your blog and see the counter, I simultaneously get excited and shit myself, nice look.. :)

Keep up the good work pal.
MPH (Bloody beta blogger never signs me in correctly)

Vicki said...

Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. This week I'm tapering so any cardio is out of the question. I've kinda fallen off the track, so to speak, with my running, used to do it regularly. Hopefully after this comp I'll pick it up again (with a little encouragement - lol)

Anonymous said...

So, with beta blogger also hindering my best efforts to leave spoor around my blogsville territory, I shall take the anonymous path. As I said in my blog, and as Scott said above, I am pretty sure those fish would have been carp. I don't think Murray Cod get up that way. The only other thing that big you might see is freshwater eels, and I doubt you would have any trouble recognizing their shape.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to sign it...too used to havinga tag line.

Steve Lacey

Don Juan said...

Not many of us are peaking physically at the moment.

A top run for variety and motivation, which is what you want this far out.

I'm currently nursing a very sore foot sans 2 ganglions, but pulled through today well.

TD said...

Great post, 2P, and lots of food for thought there. I especially like what you said about the mental prep thing. I have always thought that it is the mind that needs the training as much as the body. You have also got me thinking about those fish. You were mesmerised by them as we all tend to there some deep evolutionary thing at work here??

Ewen said...

Mate, if we are in the same 5k race, going for that sub-23, thanks for the heads-up about getting well clear of you before the last 100 metres!

R2B said...

Some many little time....


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