Monday, October 02, 2006

Paying The Piper

Today Total: 4k
Week Total: 4k
Month Total: 4k
Year Total: 1338k

The legs were as dead as door nails after the last 2 days exertions so I decided to keep it short and slow and fair dinks even that was a struggle.

At this stage it is that fine balance between keeping the faith, getting some consistency back into the training and not overdoing it - I suspect I'm right on the cusp after todays very ordinary outing.

So I'll have a rest day tomorrow (Halfpennys Birthday in Bathurst) and then the plan is for something longer up the mountains on the way home on Wednesday.

Enjoy the holiday Monday for those who have it ;-)


Spark Driver said...

No holiday down south damm it!!

Jen said...

Your legs sound as tired as mine! Good work matey. Enjoy your trip out west.

Don Juan said...

Always good if you can get out and do something active.

I've also heeded your medical advice. You should set up some consulting rooms.

Steve's Stuff said...

What holiday? I'm taking post Melb Marathon (Monday) as a holiday but it's not official.

Wobbly man said...

Some days are diamonds?

D said...

I wish Monday was a holiday! It definitely is tough getting back in training mode without overdoing it.

Unknown said...

Great to catch up with you at the 5k. Thanks for the gee-up at the end!

Horrie said...

Just keep plugging away 2p and if your body says it needs a rest, then have a day off. You would still be way ahead of where you have been a couple of months ago. Just keep moving forward mate. All the way to Pluvio and beyond.