Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Taper Twelve

Today Total: 12k
Week Total: 20k
Month Total: 12k
Year Total: 539k

Not much to report really - woke up - ran 12k at a relatively easy pace (av 5.42) - got home.

ITB good, nothing from it today - slight niggle at the bottom of both quads just above the knee towards the inside - you know - the little bulgy bit (technical term).

Might head up to Quarry Rd tomorrow arvo for one last run on some hills before chilling out and doing some really easy runs over the weekend, followed by something short and quick next Tuesday.


Lulu said...

I think you might be referring to your VMO muscle. Mine doesn't bulge though, not sure that would be attractive on Snowflake!

It's getting so close, it's very exciting. I've arrange to stay with the Evil Twin Sister the night before so hopefully I'll be able to get up in time to see you fly by!

Tesso said...

Mine don't bulge :-(

CJ said...

We ran at about the same pace this morning - bet it wasn't as early as me though!

Good to hear the ITB is behaving!

Katie said...

Quarry rd doesnt sound like an easy run :-)

Yeah... got the ITB to be quiet nice work!

Don Juan said...

That's an impressive injury comeback. Good to see you took it easy.
Interesting theory no 37 about niggles during the taper.
They'll probably all wake up tomorrow morning and I'll try to blow them away with some serious fartlek.

R2B said...

enjoy your taper 2p
10 days and countin'

Wobbly man said...

Not long to go now 2P! Is there anything to be gained by pushing things much at this stage?

Ewen said...

Good there's nothing to report 2P.

Stick to layman's terms - technical ones are too hard to understand.

Hilda said...

Recovery rate is the best ever!!
ITB is history!

Jen said...

I hope you are looking forward to your return to Quarry Road one day soon with Nat and I! I'm sure it will be on much better terms :-)