Friday, March 03, 2006

2P's Chin

Ok, ok, I've caused enough confusion - time to clear this up.

There is nothing wrong with my chin - that's the point! Whenever I want to concentrate on a positive I think of my chin because unless I have been giving a bigger guy than me a bit of lip, it is usually pretty good!

Its kind of slipped into common usage in the 2P household but it has its origins in my 1997 Six Foot prep.

I had not run for ages and my training buddy was a 3hr 15ish marathoner (and about 6'4" tall) so even when he thought he was going up and down on the one spot my little stumps would be going ten to the dozen trying to keep up and I would constantly whinge about all the bits of me that were hurting (particularly my calves and one foot where I had trodden on an obnoxious stone).

One day quite exasperated at running just a little faster than a walk (maybe) and me carping on about all the hurty bits he turned to me and said "mate - how's ya #*$:"#* chin"? Well we both cracked up and it became a standing joke between us because soon after he developed an ITB injury and I was able to give it back in spades - right up to me getting a knee injury and then it was flying both ways.

This subsequent episode gave rise to another piece of banter that exists to this day on the odd (rare) occasion we run together:

One of us) We don't get sore knees do we?

The other) No we don't!

Response) Good - otherwise I might be a bit worried about this pain........

Response) Good then - how's ya chin?

So there you go - that is all there is to the chin story - How is your chin?



RunDave said...

That's so funny. Reminds me of what my Dad would do sometimes if we were moaning about some minor scrape. He'd pinch my arm really hard and ask if the other injury hurt anymore: usually not. If it hurt more than the pinch then it must have been serious.

Jen said...

My chin is great, thanks for asking!

Don Juan said...

As long as your legs and chin are Ok, then you won't be down on the 6' canvas for the count.

Stephen Lacey said...

I've got a good idea!! Let'S give you the nickname Chin. Then I can ask, "How's your chin, Chin?" And if you knew what chin chin means in Japanese, you would think this is very funny. (Well, let's just say it is the thing that makes a male a male -- no I don't mean a Holden ute!)

Cirque said...

LOL 2P. I'll think of that whenever I'm having my usual whinge about my hurty bits.

Tesso said...

Tee hee 2P. I never think about my chin but I do worry when my eyelashes hurt.

Steve L's comment reminds me of the old John Newcombe Cinzano ads :-)

Lulu said...

I try and see if my eye brow hurts.. but I like the chin too! Glad to see you managed a good hit out at Quarry Road without the ITB giving you any grief.

Clairie said...

oh all this chinwagging about chins has made me hungry...thats when my chin gets a workout :)

Katie said...

Hurty bits... I like that one! Well by the time you finish next week even your chin will be sore haha something to look forward to! GO 2P... just warming up!