Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sometimes I love Clouds

Today Total: 8k
Week Total: 40k
Month Total: 124k
Year Total: 1487.4k

I got a little singed by the Sun on Tuesday so I was pretty pleased it was overcast this morning. Everytime I get red and crispy I swear it will be the last time - well the last time till the next time that is. Seriously though I know it is something I need to get on top of or it will come back to haunt me in my twilight years.

Heading out on the usual loop at the luxurious time of 7:00am I had an idea that I would do 12k, but even the relatively weak sun through the clouds was drilling through my tee-shirt and making me feel uncomfortable so I whimped it and took the shorter 8k option.

Nothing fancy 8k in 45.54 (av 5.44) just one of those runs that keeps the legs ticking over. I'm really looking forward to Quarry Rd with the rest of the team on Saturday.


Jen said...

I'm looking forward to joining for "secret trail training" at Quarry Road next year :-)

Steve's Stuff said...

I love overcast conditions after a few hot days.

Katie said...

Smart boy!!! Save those legs for Quarry rd. It is always so much harder in the heat

Tesso said...

What's this "everytime I get red and crispy"? You should never get red and crispy. Never! Why do you think God invented 30+ sunscreen. Take it from one who learnt the hard way, it can haunt you well before your twilight years. Even for runs where I'm finished by 7am I slap it on.

Ok, I'm finished preaching :-)

D said...

It is freeeeeezing here. It is so odd how we are dealing with opposite seasons. Sunscreen is your friend! Pushing yourself in the heat makes you stronger! Nice job!

Don Juan said...

Suntans are so cool and seventies; look good with your tank-top, denim flairs and platforms.

Dave said...

Bring Quarry Road on I say! You can add the sun/heat/humidity/wind whatever, nothing like a good challenge :)

Wobbly man said...

Nice one 2P. Another run safely tucked away into the training bank.

Hilda said...

Well, I always love clouds!! That should had been a very strong sun since you didn't completed the 12k, but that will make you enjoy much more your running in a group, that should be very nice!!!
Stay away from the sun...

Lulu said...

I'm with Tesso; red and crispy is a very bad look, you naughty boy. Sunscreen on please!

Tesso said...

Hey TP, just in case you are about to blog off for the rest of the festive season I just wanted to say ...




Here's to a fantastic 2006 for all of us ... clank .... hic :-)

PS Thanks so much for all the comments on my blog over the past few months, they've really helped a lot.

Hilda said...

I already saw that page, what a challenge!!!
Thanks a lot for your comment is helping me a lot to think of it in another way, like more positive.