Sunday, September 17, 2006

Take Two

Today Total: 4k
Week Total: 4k
Month Total: 17k
Year Total: 1294k

And on the 7th day he ran.

After my first attempt 2 weeks ago this last week was a bit of a set back. Without whinging (too much) I've been working my tail bone off at work and between that and my other teaching commitments I just had nothing left for running.

Yesterday I had hoped to run but with all the energy of a corpse I just veged around the house all day moaning and groaning till Mrs 2P made me go out for dinner - which to be fair did chirp me up a bit.

Today was garden chores which I undertook with reasonable grace and then a quick trip out to mums (she's got a broken wing at the moment) with a couple of meals she can heat up and eat with just a fork (courtesy of Mrs 2P).

When we got back I knew if I didn't run again soon it would just get harder and harder so I headed off on another circumnavigation of Concord Golf Course - I had to walk a bit of the hill which miffed me a bit but at least I finished fairly strongly.

I'm glad to get that one done as it will make the next one easier - provided I do it in the next 3 days that is......

Be the runner 2P, be the runner........


Jen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she's doing ok.

And yes, the next one WILL be easier so get out there man! We've got trails to run ;-)

Clairie said...

It's the heart of a runner that makes us what we are...gets us through the injuries and the days we can't get out and run.

The desire and need to run is what really makes us a runner - not the ability to turn the legs over.

The day will come when you will no longer walk the hill, when you will fly over the top.

Keep it up 2P, your day will come (again).

Spark Driver said...

You know you have done it before. It will come back to you.

Patience young Skywalker.

Lulu said...

You can do it 2P. You'll always be a runner, it's in the blood.

Steve's Stuff said...

One down, x to go.

Gronk said...

Keep at it mate. Won't be long now and you'll be back on top.

Ellie80 said...

you ARE the runner 2p - its probably good for you to have had a long break - in the long run :)

Tesso said...

Think about what you had to overcome to run 6ft Track this year. Compared to that this is a minor obstacle!

miners said...

mantras are goooooood

R2B said...

I agree with what Tesso said!
Also i like your use of the word miffed instead of some harsher language (which makes it easier for you head to deal with.Miffed instead of discouraged or annoyed!)

To begin again is always the hardest part so keep going,we are all right behind you and i'm glad your taking the effort to come back,someone who loves running for runnings sake.

Cheers R2B

Stephen Lacey said...

Even the journey of 1000 miles...

Katie said...

and on the 8th day he.....

Good on you for getting out there!! Knowing the team J style all too well you will be firing again soon!!
Take care!

Unknown said...

In time of difficulties, we must not lose sight of our achievements.
Mao Tse-Tung

Don't suppose you are coming to Tesso and my birthday party?

Don Juan said...

When faced with a series of setbacks, go for the banana lounge.
Don Juan

Your luck will come good.

TD said...

You are the runner, 2P, you are the runner, 2P, you are the runner 2P....