Friday, May 15, 2009

Trial By Running Gods

I suspect that with my flurry of activity lately the Running Gods decided to test my fairdinkumness - bastards.

On my last night in Hobart I pushed out a pretty brisk walk in the hills - I don't know what I did but as I cooled down I began to notice some EOCBS (Early Onset Crook Back Syndrome) - which after a night in a hotel bed turned into AMCBS (Agonisingly Miserable Crook Back Syndrome). So I wussed out of running and walking for a bit.

Long story short - I was about to start again this Tuesday just gone but when I woke up I felt decidedly "off" so I hit snooze and went back to sleep for a bit. Went to work but left early and by 4pm I was glued to the dunny - I'll spare the details but I've been home sick for 3 days - pretty unusual for me.

I'm off to Bathurst on the weekend to visit the HP so I might give myself another couple of days to fully recover and start fresh next week.

In other news - I made a corker of an attempt at self-immolation on Mothers Day (long time readers might remember I've a bad habit of this). Another long story short - the hose on a new 8.5kg gas cylinder came loose and started to spew gas into a BBQ - I killed the flame on the burners and then attempted to turn off the bottle but the glow of the plate must have been enough and whooshka up she went.

I was extremely lucky as witnesses say I appeared engulfed in flame - I had my head averted so I avoided any real damage - lost all the hair on my left arm and a significant portion of both eyebrows and some singed head hair. I just had some very minor scorching on my left hand and my left cheek - so minor there was no real visible evidence - just a bit red.

The real conundrum then started because the flame was bouncing off the BBQ back onto the gas bottle making it impossible to turn off - just as I was about to run for the hills and dial 000 Mrs 2P (bless her) appeared with a fire extinguisher which my brother-in-law quickly unwrapped from its plastic covering and passed to me - I pulled the pin, pressed the go button and held it on the gas bottle while I turned the tap shut with my other hand - disaster averted.

So I suppose you could say we had a flaming good Mothers Day :)

PS if ya don't have a fire extinguisher near your barbie - get one!


Superflake said...

I think my father has real wood barbie under the garage I can lend you. No problem with gas explosions. Be careful next time mate. You might have been the first 2P in space.

TA and the Gnome said...

Geez, 2P. Stick to running!. This cooking caper is too dangerous. :-)

Glad it turned out ok in the end (missing hair notwithstanding).


2P said...


Ewen said...

Lucky you don't have a beard!