Monday, February 28, 2011


We'll all these aches and pains have landed the old 2P's in hospital......

Turns out I have Reactive Arthritis - from the Gastro I had from 9-13 Feb - severe back and shoulder pain ensued, then a week later my feet went, now a week later my hands have gone.

All the inflammation markers in my blood tests were sky high - the good news all the rest of the results were pretty good.

The pain is really quite interesting and certainly a new experience - I'm on Endone (morphine) but they might as well be giving me aspirin - for all the good it's doing - doc just doubled the dose a couple of hours ago, but it still hurts like a bitch. Im not convinced it's not a placebo.

Anyhoo they reckon I'm here till at least Thursday till they are sure the treatment is working.

Prognosis is good, they reckon 95% of people make a full recovery albeit it can take some time, so the odds are pretty good. Apparently there is one other thing it could be but I can't remember the name, apparently it is pretty rare but also treatable - the results of the tests they did today should rule that out (or in) - but n any event apparently no biggie if it is.

With a little bit of luck I'll be up and around in no time -Hellgate might be a bit of challenge - but hey - I love challenge.

All good :)


Ewen said...

You're a bit of a drama queen! Take it easy and get running soon.

TA and the Gnome said...

Ouch! Susie was there a few years ago and she's back on top of her game now. She found that weekly physio helped, but of course everyone is different.

She's still wincing at your news. Hope everything turns out a good as it can possibly be.


Anonymous said...

Bummer news ! Take care 2P ! Gronk