Sunday, April 29, 2007

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

Today Total: 3k
Week Total: 18k
Month Total: 34k
Year Total: 626k

After feeling pretty chirpy on Thursday night I woke up Friday morning feeling all chesty and yuck again - bugger! Worked Friday then rested up all day Saturday - which meant I missed the CR5k Challenge that I had been looking forward to - double bugger!!

Headed out mid-morning today for a trot and I even wore my CR cap for extra motivation - I mean you have to put in a good effort when you are wearing colours don't you? When I hit 2.5k my legs felt like they were about to fall off and my breathing and heartrate were all out of shape - triple bugger!!! At 3k I quit, slipped my CR cap in my pocket, tucked my tail between my legs and walked the shortcut route back home through Massey Park Golf Course.

It's a bit frustrating but it can't last forever.


Celeste said...

If frustration were an enjoyable emotion, injured/sick runners would be such happy buggers you'd pick them a mile off!!!

But when a good run kicks in, it makes it all worthwhile. Right?

Ellie80 said...

you are about due a run of good luck by now surely! take care of yourself. yes - I remember last year running down and seeing the turnaround of the 1/2 - and seeing you in a CR singlet if I am not mistaken? what a difference a year makes :)

Anonymous said...

SNAP! I missed my clubs 5km handicap challenge yesterday (Saturday) due to cold/flu come stomach cramps. Quaddruple bugger.

Lulu said...

Bugger indeed! Healing thoughts heading your way :)

Ewen said...

I think you've caught something off CJ. There are plenty of 5ks.

Had a laugh at the CR cap thing - isn't that the first thing runners do if they bail out of an Olympic marathon (take off their singlet).

Tesso said...

Its almost more annoying than being injured when a non running thing stops you from running.

Take it easy and get well soon. Only seven weeks to go.

Gronk said...

Thats no good 2P, hope your feeling better real soon matey !

Unknown said...

I never thought of putting my cap in my pocket! Still, I rarely have pockets...

Get well soon my friend

Anonymous said...

What a run of bad luck, bugger! Get well soon, patience pays at the end.

Hilda said...

Life's ups and downs, you will be fine for the next attempt :)

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