Saturday, January 07, 2012

And So It Begins

40 minute paddle
10k bushwalk

With a mini relapse of the arthritis between Christmas and New Year and then a humungus dose of man-flu, it wasn't quite the start to 2012 I had been planning or hoping for. On the bright side at least my decision to have a 3.5 week break from work was a good one.

Over the last couple of days I've started to feel human again, so when it was bright and clear this morning Carol and I went out for a 40 minute paddle on the lake - beautiful.

After some chores Bec and I took off for a 10k jaunt around the bush trails of Crangan Bay (Gwandalan). Feeling a bit tuckered out now, but satisfied.

Hopefully start running again over the next couple of weeks.

All good :)

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Good start 2P. I can imagine the serenity.