Saturday, January 02, 2010

Big Wheel Rollin

Today Total: 10k
Week Total: 14k
Month Total: 14k
Year Total: 14k

Yes Ewen the Twenty Tenties is going to be my decade :)

After a sweltering soaking mow the lawn recovery session this morning I rehydrated while the Sydney storms did their best.

Jammed for a couple of hours over some Blues backing tracks then headed out for a run/walk

Decided to push out some distance on the flat so headed out around the bay towards Canada Bay.

Plugged away for 10k in 84 minutes. 41/43 5k splits - happy with that.

Got back in just before the second storm front so good timing

All good :)


Cirque said...

Good on you for getting back out there!

I hope this year is a good one for you!


Ewen said...

I like it 2P. The TTs.

Ah, wasn't that a slight breaking of the 10% rule ;)