Monday, October 12, 2009

Long Time No Run

Today Total: 4kms
Week Total: 4kms
Month Total: 4kms
Year Total: 103kms

Well after being a couch potato since mid June I finally took the Titanic out for a spin.

I had to.

I've had a re-emergence of a medical condition I thought I'd seen the last of a number of years ago - Sleep Aponea. It seems to have been reignited by my most recent dose of man-flu.

At fist I thought I was just waking to cough, but it quickly became apparant I was waking to stop myself choking to death and it has been getting progressively worse over the last 2 weeks to the point where over the last 5 or 6 nights I literally wake up hundreds of times a night chocking and coughing. Generally I go straight back to sleep to do it all over again (one annoying thing is I tend to pick up my dream exactly where I left off and as generally your dreams are not that pleasant when your brain is convinved you're about to expire it doesn't add value to the overall experience). Though sometimes it gives me a bit of a fright and as my heartrate (and no doubt my blood pressure) are up it takes me a little while to resettle. It even gets me if I try to take a daytime nap.

The result is I'm knackered!

Anyhoo the last time I had this miserable bastard of an affliction, running and careful diet were the mainstays of my recovery and I will do just about anything to avoid a trip to the sleep clinic so as farked as I felt this arvo I donned the joggers and headed out the door - could be a blessing in disguise!

All up 4kms alternating a jog and a walk in 32.15 for an average of 8.04 per km.

All good :)


Superflake said...

Be careful mate. And if running helped alleviate it last time. Hit the trails mate.

Louise said...

Good to see you back in my blog feeds.

Just out of curiousity, I'm assuming you are now carrying a bit more lard than in June (and shoot me if I'm wrong), but how much extra weight does it take to trigger the sleep aponea?

happy running, and I hope you get back to sleep soon.